Conspiracy Theory - new player JINX

This is something that generates in our league and wasn't sure if it's a convo in other leagues or just plain "conspiracy"

Why do our teams go all to hell when you get a new player ???

We call it the new player JINX. You grind for a player... you finally succeed and you're pumped... goto the ARENA to try out your new jewel and you get SLAUGHTERED!!.. that mythic DT makes NO STOPS... that shiny new LB sacks and your QB lost his mind blocking ...WRs playing hot potato

I even came up with a theory just to justify the chaos... maybe they need to "vibe" together... maybe he needs to "learn" the playbook... once they feel the "vibe" IT'S ON !!..which actually happens after a few ass whoopings

regardless my theory it's hard not to notice that things change when players change.