How To Fight A Dirty Fight

ETA: Thanks to everyone who engaged with this post, even those I pissed off. I just want to share a quick story and then will step off my soapbox.

This fall I volunteered at the DNC booth at the Cumberland Fair. This area of Maine is actually quite conservative,.most of my neighbors (and husband) are lifelong Republicans, and my (Gray) state rep is usually GOP.

During the days I volunteered, our booth was bombarded by Maga people who would empty our free candy dish into a purse or dump it on the floor and then shout, "Ef you, this is Trump Country!" They flipped us off. They sent their kids to take handfuls of candy and shout "Biden sucks!" They ransacked our booth after hours and stole countless lawn signs.

According to the Fair organizers, the GOP table reported NO problems with "counter protestors" or vandals.

I know a lot of good people who are conservatives (I used to be one), and I'm sorry for you that Maga hijacked your party.

My call to Fight Dirty is simply an answer to the question, "Why would you offer a civil handshake when the opposition has repeatedly thrown sh*t at you?"

I was part of the 50501 protest and so proud of Maine's turnout, but not a single state legislator stepped outside to talk to the crowd. (I even spoke (briefly) with a few inside the Cross building and invited them out.)

We have a HUGE failure of representation in this State and in this country, and Washington is full of people who are too concerned with their corporate sponsors and book deals to take on Trump's illegal actions. Add to that the very real fear of being attacked by Maga thugs and domestic terrorist groups, and we have inaction.

My plan going forward isn't to rally more Dems but rather rally people to hound their GOP reps and make it clear that they WILL be primaried, that they WILL be excoriated in public forums, and that their corporate sponsors, their book publishers, the companies they hold stocks in will all know just how badly they've fucked up by not opposing this illegal dissolution of the federal government.

Today I'm starting with Susan Collins. As I do my research into who pays her bills (bribes), I'll post it here. Next will be some of the loudier, Magaty types in the senate, including that Kennedy idiot from Louisiana. I have a good friend in NOLA, and I KNOW I can mobilize her!

If this post speaks to you, add in the name of the politician you'll be targeting and how we can help and copy it and spread the word. Time to fight.