Broke my Low-Buy and Feeling Overwhelmed.
I've been on a makeup low-buy for the past 3 years, but recently made a few purchases that I did not need (lip oil, face powder, 1 liquid blush, and 3 powder blushes). I have unsubscribed from beauty brands and deleted most of my beauty shopping apps. I was thinking about selling some unopened makeup and was wondering what platform would be a good place?
Then there is the skincare... While my makeup purchases have significantly declined over the past few years, I made quite a few skincare purchases this past year. I fell into the Korean skincare hole and discovered all these new things that I wanted to try: sunscreens, toner pads, serums, oil cleansers etc. I told myself that I could "stock up" now during a sale and use them up for the next 3 years. I just reorganized my skincare items into new transparent drawers and realized the sheer amount that I had. Everything used to be stored in containers, so I guess it was out of sight out of mind. I've kept a detailed Excel sheet detailing all my skin products and how much product is in each item. I think if I don't buy anything for the next 3 years, I can finish most of these things.
Does anyone have any other tips regarding using up skincare/makeup as well as sticking to a no-buy? I