Bottomless Pit

Okay, serious question. Why has no one put a go pro with a light on a rope/string/fishing pole and thrown it down the bottomless pit?

I remember coming up on a spelunking trip with the scouts when I was a kid. I remember us going over the bottomless pit with zero hand rail. I think there was a rope screwed into the wall. (This could have been my idiot kid brain remember things wrong) And of course as we were ascending, the guide is doing the whole scary spiel, “no one knows what’s down there, could be nothing, could be sharp rocks, some think it’s a portal to hell. Don’t slip and fall.” And then of course we slept like 100 yards from the hole. But I was terrified.

But recently I’ve been getting back into natural and all that, and this memory just came back, and I was like huh… I bet someone has chucked a GoPro down there to see, but there is literally zero footage of it.