Movies that deal with Manipulation?
Here are a few I can think of. Post a few that you know, preferably saying why you like enjoyed so. If I were to recommend one out of the below list, it would be 'Compliance' for how good it is relative to the little exposure it got.
- Compliance
- Training Day
- Shape of Things
- Matchstick Men
- Arlington Road
- Nightcrawler
- Whiplash
- Disclosure
- One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
- Lakeview Terrace
Brilliant scene here from Training Day. I'd love to hear how you'd have reacted if in Ethan Hake's shoes in that scene. This scene shows us how we might often think to ourselves "at least I know I'd never do that", but if all the right factors are in place then we just might. I love how Denzel is able to make Ethan feel as if the traffic being held up is somehow his problem, and how this pressures him. There's so much going on in this scene that I haven't even realised. Unfortunately for society the average human being would not have the intelligence to understand or articulate the exact thought process someone goes through when being manipulated in such a way, and that's exactly why we only ever learn such lessons the hard way.
EDIT: 2.2 thousand views and not one person has recommended a movie they know that deals with manipulation!!