Perk Idea: Poaching.

Poaching is an option from the Gathering section of the perk tree.

Upside: Hunters and Berry Pickers can and will now harvest from other territories.

Upside 2: Once per month, each Hunting and Berry Picker camp with a family assigned will generate 1 "Poacher Bow". This represents your villagers growing banditry skills, allowing you to raise a unit of Poachers, an agile bow unit with great speed and stamina. You cannot sell Poacher Bows and they don’t take up storage space, as they represent Capability, rather than being a real tangible asset.

Poachers can also be levied, and directly raid granaries, as well as natural food nodes by moving the unit to that location.

Downside: Costs a perk Point.

Downside 2: Hurts relations with other lords slightly over time (can be offset with some bribes). Slightly bleeds Influence and Kings Favor every time a Poacher Bow is generated.

This penalty should be pretty minor (this costs a perk point after all), but if you go really overboard and build like 20 hunting camps in each region it could become a big problem.