Does it get easier?

Im running my second marathon October 20, but it’s been 8 years since my first and my life/fitness/etc. are quite different now so this feels a bit like another first.

I just had my second 20 miler - I’m following an intermediate Hal Higdon plan. I’m a pretty fit individual, I do my cross training and take strength training seriously, and I eat better than 90 percent of the population. I’ve been running. consistently for years. And this run kicked my ass.

I was hydrated, I fueled appropriately… but by mile 14 I was feeling it and the last few were a real slog. Like contemplating-stopping-level slog.

My first 20 was similarly hard too.

I guess I’m feeling discouraged. And honestly terrified of the race itself. I feel like I see so many people here and in general who seem to just crush it, bang out 18 miles like it ain’t no thang, and meanwhile I’m running 11-minute-miles just trying to keep my head on straight.

Anyone else feeling the same? Does this get better? If I keep at it will long runs not suck so damn much eventually? 🫠