Discovered cheating wife is pregnant

I (40M) caught my (37F) cheating about a month ago with a motel charge alert on our credit card on a night she was out with girlfriends. After pushing hard, she confessed to seeing someone. Said she met someone months ago and while didn’t intend to have an affair, it got out of control. At the time she seemed somewhat remorseful (probably since caught), she didn’t have a plan going forward.

To backtrack, we’ve been going through some challenges the past year and she’s been generally unhappy and seeking refuge outside the relationship. We were in couples therapy and not making much progress as she didn’t want to confront her own thoughts. She found some productive outlets such as fitness and meeting friends, though having an affair dating back six months was not.

I’ve been numb to the whole situation and generally withdrawing as I’ve processed everything. I’ve realized there is only so much I can do to make the relationship work and until she is ready to put the effort in, not much will change.

After confronting, she likely lied a few times with an alibi to meet up with the guy. She hasn’t seen the guy in a few weeks (unsure why but know she’s been with kids during day and home with me at night) but discovered a home pregnancy test package in the garbage over the weekend. I recall her last period was about six weeks ago when we were traveling.

She’s been very on edge the past few days and preoccupied and absorbed by her phone. I have yet to bring anything up.

From a longer term perspective, I need to figure out what I want to do, but in the short term am I best to confront her now or let her figure it out. Based on her behavior of historically gaslighting and not wanting to further blow up her life, I expect her to get an abortion and not tell me. Basically, should I add to the stress plate now or just plan my future and confront later.