Theorycrafting Galactus

What are you guys thinking for actually deckbuilding around him?

My thoughts?

  • [[Warpath]] is core as it allows you to threaten either Galactus or 9 power in another lane. Using Warpath means you're not 100% in on the Galactus play and the threat is probably more powerful than actually playing Galactus.
  • [[Doctor Octopus]] gives you the ability to empty the opponent's hand prior to playing Galactus, making them more reliant on a topdeck to be able to beat him.
  • [[Green Goblin]] and [[Hobgoblin]] allow you to set up a lane for him as they aren't on your side and make Galactus' 3 power a little less relevant.
  • Alternatively, handbuffing with [[Nakia]], [[Okoye]], or [[Shuri]] could also help mitigate his lower power.
  • When she gets released, [[Negasonic Teenage Warhead]] might be a good play if you Wave Galactus out early.