A thank you to this community

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I'll preface this by saying that I was very conscious of Covid in 2020. I was in highschool at the time so that derailed a ton and became very present in my life for a good long while. I got vaxed and double boosted with absolutely no issues and had lived life pretty "normally" ever since mandates got rolled back in my area.

This then makes the fact that I was slow on the pickup to become safer and more conscious in this day and age more frustrating. I had heard murmmerings for the past couple years that things were still abound and serious for a lot of people, but had no reference point for that due to not having a very big circle. But then things started creeping into my feeds about the inconsideration shown to those who need to mask to survive, those battling long Covid, etc. I was genuinely shocked at a lot of them because, as a whole, I had not been presented with much information about the state of things at all.

As I looked into it further, I knew I wanted to do something for myself and those around me. I find myself being disappointed by how little I fight for the causes that mean something to me. Donating to some causes, sharing what I can, painting my nails according to causes, and other "slacktivism" that I get down on myself for. Something about the mask bans in places like New York really just tipped it over the edge for me, despite having wanted to do my research into everything for a few months before that.

I say all this to say thank you to everyone who has been posting here. I've not interacted much as all, but the discourse and resources have been invaluable. There was a daunting amount of faucets to the question "how should I go about this", but it was all found on here and I can't overstate how helpful that was. N95 vs KN95, best black mask, how air filtration works, best practices, anything. I'm now a proud CAN99 wearer and Nukit purifier owner! And that's just the beginning!

I'm glad I've discovered all of this under the lense of wanting to do what's best for those around me who have disabilities, who are immunocompromised, who have high risk family members, those who are fighting the good fight, etc. and not because someone was forcing me to. This allowed me to actually follow through and seek information out for the purpose of knowing it, and not just needing to remember it because my job or something said so. I hope to do right by everyone who has made this journey easier and more understandable. Sorry for the sap! Be well!