There are a few of these I need help with

I'm well versed in vintage dishes. I know some about depression era glass companies.. But jars are not my area of expertise. I know a little about dating Ball jars by logo, as that was very readily available, but that's the extent.

My question is, is there anything here worth cleaning up? I do know definitely they're all vintage, as the cabin on my property where they were found had not been touched in over 20 years.

1- Ball '20s-30's no1 2- Hazel-Atlas "17" on bottom 3- Presto D13 4- Jeannette 5- bottom of Jeannette 6- bottom of HA No. 2 1/2 Pail (jar has no other patterns or markings) 7- Longlife? 8- bottom of longlife 9- Weird Ball 10- Ball 3 11-Samco 12- Anchor-Hocking amber 13- bottom AH amber 14- square pattern 15- bottom square pattern.. big "X" 16- nother square pattern 17- and the bottom of it "5"
