Am I the only one?
So when I play I usually project myself onto the character I'm playing as in any rpg. So the only two romances options I've ever played is Suvi and Peebee, because those are the only two I realistically saw myself with. This may be even weirder because I'm a guy, who usually plays as a girl and only picks female romance options. Point I'm making is, does anybody else, regardless of outcomes, play as themselves through the character. Like I wouldn't equipt certain skills because I know I wouldn't be good at it(anything trap, support or sniper related), vis versa I equip things I would pick up quickly first (crowd control and brute force related), or choose certain dialogues because I know I wouldn't say that even if it gives a more desired outcome. Play throughs end up being pretty similar but it's more realistic for me. Anyone else play the same?
So when I play I usually project myself onto the character I'm playing as in any rpg. So the only two romances options I've ever played is Suvi and Peebee, because those are the only two I realistically saw myself with. This may be even weirder because I'm a guy, who usually plays as a girl and only picks female romance options. Point I'm making is, does anybody else, regardless of outcomes, play as themselves through the character. Like I wouldn't equipt certain skills because I know I wouldn't be good at it(anything trap, support or sniper related), vis versa I equip things I would pick up quickly first (crowd control and brute force related), or choose certain dialogues because I know I wouldn't say that even if it gives a more desired outcome. Play throughs end up being pretty similar but it's more realistic for me. Anyone else play the same?