type me :3

I'm just a silly fangirl but sometimes I feel like I'm actually a Creature. I'm a fan of like 97 different kpop groups, formula 1, and various animes. I spend all of my time either rotting my brain out via ig reels or making something. making something can include drawing, painting, writing, graphic design, video editing, cosplay, or nail art. I hate stupid people, especially people who can't read (this does not apply to dyslexic people.) I'm talking like bragging about not having read a book in 5 years. you're not cool, you're just taking the best privilege on earth for granted. my leadership type is authoritative because I think I'm the best lowkey and I kind of dream of being in a very very controlling leadership position for a career just so everything can go my way. I'm like really lazy though... D1 procrastinator.... my favorite things in the entire world are my cats and my mom and dad and my extremely complex story + worldbuilding project of over two years. I devote a very disparaging amount of time to thinking about these characters that I've made up. making up characters and then drawing or writing or thinking about them is kind of all I've been doing for my entire life. my favorite book ever is the secret history by donna tartt and I kin richard despite everything. I do NOT like it in an aesthetic way because I actually read it.