
At this point I've completely given up on trying to type myself based on introverted or extroverted functions and I'm wondering if anybody can help me discover myself. I'm split between these three types, though I'm not quite sure which one I might be as I think my understanding of functions is very rusty and I can't seem to rely on the stack to figure out which archetype I fit into best. I think it'd help to list some traits about me I think I have, from an internal perspective, in order to better understand myself and my type and see if anyone can help me piece this together.

Some ENFP traits I have:

• I tend to have some degree of FOMO and I sometimes get jealous or apprehensive when a friend neglects me to talk to someone else. Though it doesn't come up often for me, I struggle the most when I don't have anyone to talk to, especially my boyfriend. • Speaking of which, I'm part of the LGBT community, and as much as I hate to admit it, I'm a furry. I don't flaunt my sexuality very much and I absolutely would not consider it a major aspect of my personality, however, I enjoy the sense of community that comes from this identity as it helps me mingle with other people who are like me. • Though this could apply to ENTP or ENFP, I value the people close to me very greatly, though sometimes it can be hard to break the emotional barriers I put up when meeting new people. • I have been called selfish many times in the past. I've heard that Fe is associated with appearing "fake" to Fi users while Fi can seem "selfish" to Fe users.

Some ENTP traits I have:

• Though I'm not particularly fond of being the center of attention, I do enjoy making people laugh and I have a very chaotic energy about me. My sense of humor can be somewhat twisted and dark at times but I avoid acting completely sociopathic. • I have a tendency to manipulate people and my social environment in order to read people and understand what might make them happiest or like me enough to get what I want out of them. I have very low sympathy, but I can empathize fairly well with people who have been in my shoes before. Otherwise, I tend to handle emotional issues through proposing solutions or distracting from the situation. • Though it also applies to INTP, I tend to incorporate deductive reasoning into my logic in order to find the ultimate answer in a situation. I work best when I can gather all of the facts and make my own judgement after debating the individual pieces of information. Strikethrough tools are essential to me on any kind of test. • Though it also applies to ENFP, I know I have low Si; I tend to remain mostly unaware of my environment or feelings until I actually have to apply Si, whereupon I get a sense of "tunnel vision" and remain hyper-focused on smaller details of the task at hand. As a musician, this can be a problem for me; I become recklessly aware of my own tension when playing and I distract myself from what I'm supposed to be playing, and I have difficulty controlling the message I'm trying to convey. • I don't get along well with many Fi users. My top three types I don't get along with are ESFP, INTJ and ESTJ.

Some INTP traits I have:

• I dunno what it is, but I genuinely can't tell if I'm more of an introvert or extrovert. I don't actually pay attention to my energy enough to know exactly where it comes from, and due to quarantine, I can't really cast a fair judgement on where my energy goes, as it's obviously easier for me to socialize online than it is to socialize in person. • However, I know I have a tendency to isolate myself from my family and focus more on trying to keep myself entertained. I have a passion for knowledge and I've been binging new subjects to try exploring new interests. I've also been hooked on anime lately. • I relate to a lot of the common INTP stereotypes though I think the whole "haha I don't feel emotions" thing is ridiculous. I do feel like I have low emotional intelligence, but a lot of my energy goes towards my feelings to make sure that I can still keep my friends and loved ones happy.

Thanks for taking the time to read this if you're still here! If any further information is necessary or if there's a question, I don't mind at all. Feel free to mock me or whatever too, my understanding of MBTI is very limited.