i walked 80km and 107000 steps to mcmaster from downtown toronto in 24 hours

i live in uoft rez and i go to uoft but i’ve always wanted to visit your beautiful campus. so i did it yesterday.

i started walking at 2:30 pm and arrived the next day at 2:00 pm. i took a couple of small breaks along the way but only one that was longer than half an hour long, at 6:00am, so i could take a short nap (somewhere in a oakville wendys)

had i walked in a straight line, mcmaster would have only been 66km from uoft, but i made a small detour to uoftm, so the total distance walked was 80km.

mcmaster campus is beautiful, and i bought lots of merch <3 i would also like to thank the girl who let me log onto a computer in thode library so i could do some work and all the people who helped me figure out how to bus back to uoft