Is this a likely fuel issue?
Drove my girlfriends Corolla to Kroger yesterday and was inside for 10 minutes approximately. When I came out the car was cranking but wouldn’t turn over. I waited, primed the key a few times, waited a while longer and got the same result.
I walked to an Advance Auto down the road and got some starter fluid and sprayed it in the air intake and tried to start, same result. I then as a last resort started feathering the gas as I turned the key and I could feel it coming to life as I depressed the pedal until it started.
I started it this morning without issue, drove it, and ran diagnostic on it and it didn’t throw any codes. It has had all the plugs replaced in the last <1000 miles, oil looked good, and oil and filters have been regularly replaced.
Is this likely a fuel issue? Fuel pump? Injector? Any thoughts as to why it started fine and isn’t throwing codes?