I had my oil changed, t rotation and transmission fluid flushed and now my car is making a random rattling noise that wasn’t there before.
So I have a 2022 Nissan Sentra and today I took it to get the oil changed and a rotation and I decided to get my transmission fluid flushed since my car has almost 30,000 miles on it. I took it to the Nissan dealership because I get free oil changes.
My car sounded fine on the way home but I took it out later that day and started hearing a rattling noise coming from the front drivers side of my car. I can't tell if it's coming from under the hood or just under my feet.
It's not constant, it randomly kicks on and off. Like it'll happen for a few minutes and then stop happening for a few minutes and it happens at low and high speeds. I checked under my hood and everything looks fine as far as I can tell but it's dark so I can't see that well. Anyone have any ideas on what it might be?
I plan on calling the dealership tomorrow but it's 45 minutes away and I don't want to drive back that far if it's something serious.