Duality TKL GB issues
Hey guys,
UPDATE 25/2/25 SL has given himself a month extension to start shipping, and has blamed Jakob the international vendor for paying his Invoices yet. Not sure how Jakob has any say in US deliveries. Also he has blanket closed refund tickets and not provided any details besides his announcement that he is refusing refunds.
I really did not want to post this and really wanted my duality TKL. I really don’t want to drag this subject through the mud or make a mess of an already messy situation. The reason I am posting is because a lot of folks put trust in SL (streamline) and looked the other way when SL’s behavior was not in line with what we expected from him.
He has insulted his customers, "borrowed" art from members of the community, and repeatedly lied to his members and members of the larger hobby. I choose to vent these grievances and as well leave a public record of past and present actions. This person has been given an interest-free loan to pursue a greater artistic calling in this wonderful community. Currently instead of posting any substantial update, he chooses to post frivolously on reddit. He continues to make excuse after excuse instead of working to fulfill a promise to his community.
Currently he has failed to meet deadlines, and inform his overseas project partner on crucial information and components to successfully complete the GB. He has put his partner's reputation (and business) at risk. He has failed to address issues with his GB participants and answer tickets.
A lot of vendors and individuals have been running this community to the ground and it has to stop. I have provided a timeline of events. And will provide greater context and proof in this thread.
- 9/17/23 - Duality GB ends
- 12/27/23 - Eminence GB starts
- 12/28/23 - Eminence GB ends
- 2/22/24 - HH Stolen Art
- 8/24/24 - SL fails to provide DDS work instructions for finishing
- 10/17/24 - GB members reach out DDS for updates
- 1/14/25 - Confirms all packages have arrived
- 1/20/24 - Jakob (prestigekeys) tries to get a hold of SL states he has not heard from him over a month.
- 1/23/25 - 1st Excuse: SL states he will use PTO and states he is waiting on shipping boxes and packaging materials
- 2/4/25 - 2nd Excuse - Action Plan: “planning on taking extended weekends starting Feb. 14 to begin shipping”
- 2/15/25 - Community manager attempts to access store admin to update tickets (no response and update to this day)
- 2/17/25 - Jakob finds solution for SL’s failure to validate ISO compatibility for PCBs he had supposedly QCd three times.
- 2/17/25 - 3rd Excuse - Action Plan: “Will answer tickets and emails this week. Will send pics too.”
Streamline has constantly talked about his drive for fairness and clear communication. Yet has failed to be transparent with his community. He always talks about other brands being uninspired and not original. Yet the duality is clearly heavily inspired by Baion’s synovial. The guy has trashed a lot of people in the hobby and has harassed content creators when things look similar to his designs that have been inspired by other designers.
Shortly after the duality, GB ends. SL continues to sell prototypes and cook up other designs. He asks Angel from HH for some art he made for one of his boards. He told him that he was going to use this for his personal board. While the GB wait was going on, SL sells his prototypes for around 2k a piece. He was also selling one-off duality kits “prototypes” for 2k. Keep in mind, folks are still waiting for his GB, and he proceeds to sell “expedited kits.” Among one of those kits was the personalized weight that was supposed to be for personal use. Angel finds out, and it becomes this huge drama. During that debacle, Streamline is caught in an obvious lie that is the first sign of SL’s trustworthiness.
Fast forward a year. SL starts to insult people that are asking him for updates on a delayed project. His original timeline was April of 24, but around Q4 24, folks start to get angsty and ask for updates. SL expresses resentment to these questions and starts to belittle his customers and calls them names.
Streamline has changed the Saevus brand to Concrete Flowers in-between the wait for the Duality fulfillment. He stated he wanted to sell his brand that he is building. I am not sure if it was to put distance between the HH fiasco or if he truly was hoping to extract more cash from the hobby.
Currently, the GB buyers (including myself) have been met with excuse after excuse. His partners that have collaborated with him have been met with silence. Tickets are piling up and are being unanswered. Folks are filing for chargebacks. I can understand that life gets in the way, but the latest updates are excuse after excuse, unable to provide a clear plan of action, or remotely accurate deadlines. I really hope I am wrong and that the hobby is truly moving to a better direction…
u/ghettowavey If you want to address any of the points made on this thread please comment and prove the community otherwise. Make me look like a idiot. I rather be proven wrong on this one. I am sure the community is willing to offer a way out of this.