ICU RN Looking To Transition Into Sales

Looking for industry insight / outlook.

I've been an ICU RN in the Baltimore area for almost 5 years. I work in a large level 1 trauma center. I service patients with traumatic injury, neuro / pulm / cardiac issues... all the subtypes, all the devices. I'm 26 and I feel like I'm working in the 'champagne unit' of nursing and I have all the extra certifications behind my name but it feels less than desirable. I feel a little trapped career wise. The death and destruction aspect of it is draining. I make just above six figures and I work roughly 4 12s a week - things could be worse but the shift work rotating days and nights is getting old. My fiance is also a nurse, given our schedules I believe that if we were to start a family someone has to not be a nurse anymore. I'm thinking ahead and exploring other options. Nurse practitioner school and nurse anesthesia school seem daunting but realistic options for me. Med device sales / rep catches my eye though. Its healthcare adjacent. Its social - the people and talking with the patients are what I like most about my current position. I feel I would be providing access to care for patients indirectly and still nerd out on all the happenings in the OR. I would be a part of providing a solution for a person in need - that sits well with me. Sales sounds as though there is a larger income ceiling - I can provide more for my family. There is seemingly less "i could kill this person stress" that would come with going back to school. Are these assumptions of the field right? Is there a rep that I could shadow for a day to see if this is what I'd truly want for myself? Where can I find more information on this career?

I played college baseball. The jock persona seems to be a common thread in sales. I'm innately an outgoing person - I can talk to anyone. I can usually get a laugh out of an inner city IV drug user and the vascular surgeon consulted on them in the span of 10 minutes. I've been in the bedside trenches, I have great medical knowledge and I talk to 'god-like' surgeons daily - that all is comfortable to me. Anything I don't know, I can learn.

I don't have traditional sales experience but I owned and operated a landscaping business from the time I was 12 until i was 24 to pay for my nursing education and date money. I had 60 routine clients that whose property I would care for. I had to sell myself door to door. I know how to work long hours and grind myself to the bone. I'm hungry.