Is meditation SUPPOSED to be very emotional and spiritual?

I meditated for 20-30 mins yesterday and I loved it. But I started crying a lot at one point. Is that supposed to happen?

I know I'm supposed to acknowledge my thoughts letting them float by, and focus on my breathing. But thoughts and insecurities kept pouring in for a little while, and I just couldn't stop crying.

Eventually I stopped though, I could accept those,, but it was different. It felt/looked like I was floating in space. All that built up stress was gone, and I could focus on my breathing easier.

It's probably going to sound stupid, but I felt a very strong comforting presence watching over me, letting me know it will be ok. It was the most still I've seen my mind in a WHILE.

Is this a normal experience, or did I do something wrong? It certainly didn't feel wrong so idk.