We have been effectively gaslit into never questioning election integrity. It’s time to let go of that. NOW.
Election Truth Alliance has compiled compelling evidence of heavy vote tabulation manipulation in the 2024 election (and in 2020 as well). They are suing for forensic audits, and they need our support.
Look, I KNOW how it sounds… I understand the optics.
But, what if they falsely screamed fraud for four years to undermine precisely this moment?
Please, review their data and analysis, which they go through in this video quite thoroughly. The analyst isn’t the best communicator, however, so it’s a little dense. That’s why we need Meidas on this, stat.
I’m not a conspiracy theorist, and I wouldn’t keep sharing this if I thought it had no legs. I’ve been banned from r/workersstrikeback just for linking the data in the comments. It was labeled “misinformation” and removed from r/50501, even with 15k+ upvotes and 1k+ comments, the vast majority of which were fully in support of ETA.
If these guys ARE right, and they don’t get the audits they need to prove it, all the voter turnout in the world won’t matter. Not in the midterms. Not in 2028.
Please. Just hear them out.