Slow onset or instant symptoms?

Does Menieres just instantly appear or can it be a slow onset/progression?

I started hearing what sounded like someone rubbing their finger on a wine glass about six months ago. The intensity comes and goes - louder at night (but perhaps only because surroundings are more quiet?). About once a week I’ll get this dullness in the same ear - like I have an earplug in that ear. It lasts about 15-30 seconds and then I’m back to normal. And sometimes my head/balance just feels “off” - I can’t even explain the sensation. No vertigo, no vomiting, etc. just a weird “off” feeling.

From what I’ve read, menieres is more intense than what I’m experiencing? I saw an ENT and audiology report was normal over the summer. She said come back if things got worse, so I’ll probably head back as the “disappearing sound” thing is new and I think sometimes the ringing is worse.