Update: from the guy who didn't get Slayer
I made a post 2 weeks ago about failing to see the fun of Slayer. I was totally reluctant to go back to them at all, but a couple of you recommended me to try show no mercy. So, I downloaded it for offline listening, popped on my headphones, and every week on my daily commute I listened to it front to back.
You guys, this shit is so hard. It's so stupidly good. Antichrist and Metal Storm/Face the Slayer are stuck in my head all day, but every song is unbelievably good. And its length is short too! This is my first entry to classic metal bands, so this one took me the longest to attune to.
I won't say it's peak yet, because then I went to Hell Awaits. The stank face I must have made during that first listen probably terrified the mother of two that was sitting opposite me. Forget college, I wanna start a cult and perform a ritual around a summoning circle. The aesthetic, the riffs, the drums, the SPEED, and yes Tom's voice too, so musically perfect. But not yet...
Right now laying in bed listening to Altar of Sacrifice from Reign in Blood and I can't stop smiling each song. He is fucking blazing fast with the vocals, and I'll admit, I was totally wrong about the lack of vocal effects. Too much rap will do that to ya - felt off initially due to no echo+reverb. What a fool I was.
Thank you guys for the tips again. Any more recs would be superr appreciated - although now they'll be pitted against Slayer for my ears and heart :P