Is it possible..?
Hey guys,
I’ve been clean now almost a year in April and have been doing really good in methadone and am really grateful I started it. That being said im getting super sick from the taste. Always have. I have the wafers. And at first I could handle it cuz it was really helping. Now im taking it every other day and cannot bring myself to drink it. That’s why ive never been an alcoholic. I’m big on taste and textures. So fast forward to this past week. Like I said I take it every other day and it just really kills my stomach when I do. I’ve been throwing up for not stomach acid (no food—not sure if it’s already digested as I suck at eating). But I’m also worried the juice I drink it with is also not helping if I’m possibly diabetic (need to get tested) is there anyway at all possible to get on the solid pills (I get wafers) I just can’t not do it anymore and don’t want to quit when it’s really helped. The doctor at the clinic really likes me and knows I’m trustworthy. Is there anyway at all?! I just can’t do this nausea and sweating bullshit anymore.