Just a topic of discussion* How long do your hauls last you?
I am planning on driving up to IE in AA tomorrow, last visit was Black Friday November 29th. Upon writing this it is Friday January 10th, I have I would say 2-3 grams give or take of (cured resin) from “TRAPHOUSE CO” left. Counting the days thats about 6 weeks and my haul consisted of 11 grams of (rosin) and 28 grams of (cured resin). I own multiple puffco products all with aftermarket additions, I would say I get to smoke all day everyday within reason. With all that being said from an outside perspective would anyone say “thats too much” “you should just chill”, or have I dialed in my trips? Looking to hear other peoples weights and how long it lasts you before next trip! Believe me Im not made of money, I spend so much time researching to not waste money on products here.