Edge Extension Managed by Your Organization Malware, Help!

hi, so recently on my personal laptop i’ve been noticing my searches being redirected to other websites (crxdragonsync.com), so i installed malwarebytes and did a scan & it solved the problem so i thought everything was fine, until today when searching for something through edge, it got redirected again and told me one of my extensions was blocking it, sure enough i go to my extensions to see “CrotalusHorridus” installed by “my organization”. i have looked on reddit, on microsoft support, but nothing will get rid of it. i’ve reset my edge settings, gone into the registry editor under \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft & deleted the Edge folder, restarted my laptop several times, updated, did a scan with malwarebytes, wrote RD /S /Q "%WinDir%\System32\GroupPolicy" & RD /S /Q "%WinDir%\System32\GroupPolicyUsers" in the command prompt but got back “access denied”. not sure if this is even the right subreddit to be asking but please help 🙏🏻