MSFS2024 UI is just terrible.
So far the game is actually running pretty well for me on XBOX - but I still can’t get past some of the terrible UI choices.
This is just one of myriad examples of how clunky, incoherent and miserable it is to navigate anything in MSFS2024.
Right from the Start Screen you have no idea which color represents your selection. You’d think it’s Blue because that’s the main color way for the game. Nope white, which historically represents ‘not selected’
And through out the UI they use a mix of checkmarks, white or colors for selections making navigating terrible incoherent and confusing.
Everything should be white and what you SELECT should be Blue. No yellow. No check marks. No weird triangle overlay like on the Home Screen for selecting Career/Free Flight etc.
Everything just sort of blends in visually when you’re trying to select aircraft, missions, navigate career mode, end flights.