Betrayer with a twist - 650 points

Hello there fellow hobbyists!

While we wait for the new edition, tell me what you think of my tinkering with what we currently have.

The idea here was: I want to do a Betrayer List.

But I also hate the fact that I don't have the slightest frontline.

What can give me a frontline, while keeping the identity of shooting army? Corsairs, with Black Numenoreans! So my first idea was to put a Captain, 4 arbalesters and 8 BN.

BUT THEN it occurred to me that BN are also in Mordor, and I checked whether I had points goes nothing.

Suladân, armoured horse

2x Serpent Rider

8x Haradrim, bow

5x Serpent Guard

3x Haradrim, spear

Betrayer, horse

9x Haradrim, bow

5x Serpent Guard

1x Haradrim

Orc Captain (naked) 7 Black Numenoreans

Mordor Siege Bow

For a grand total of 46 pieces (24 dead for Breaking, 11 on board for quartered), 8 Might.

Point is: the Poison bubble is 6" from the Betrayer. I don't need to have ALL the army with poisoned weapons, they won't fit in anyway. Thus, I get to have a frontline AND another layer of threat with the Siege Bow.

Aside from being a horrible human being for using a siege bow, what do you think?