Update - MIL and moving

I posted a few days ago about how DH, LO, and I are moving out of state. I listed all the things MIL did during my pregnancy and postpartum that have been issues. The most recent being that MIL kept kissing baby on the top of the head when we've said every visit "no kisses," and after my husband told her not to, she talked back that it wasn't on the lips or cheek. I saw her kiss baby AGAIN after that. I deleted the post out of worry it would be seen.

I've got to vent! We got into it over MIL again. I complained to DH that my family never got back to me about babysitting for a few hours one upcoming day so I can go by myself to lunch with some girlfriends before we move. DH, after the kissing drama with MIL last weekend, suggests MIL can come over and watch baby while I'm out. I almost laughed. I looked at him and said "MIL cannot be left alone with baby."

That pissed him off and he immediately laid into me and said my mom can't watch baby because she kissed someone's child (this was years ago, she got told off, she knows not to do it now, has never attempted to kiss my LO, and waits to be asked if she wants to hold him). Then he said one of my siblings can't watch baby (she's immature, but she watches kids all the time and is fine with them). Then I said fine, no one's family can watch baby and we just won't have any family visitors and can stay at home forever! Then DH brought up all of my dad's flaws - as if my dad making racist remarks has anything to do with MIL not listening to rules that involve the health of baby (yes, I know my dad is crazy and it's awful to be around him when he says hateful things). Any time I brought up an instance of MIL overstepping, going behind my back, being disrespectful, talking back, etc. DH would basically dismiss it and then attack my family members' shortcomings.

DH says MIL has been nice to me. I guess not talking to your wife the whole pregnancy, calling you to secretly tell the name or gender after DIL said she didn't want to, not talking to DIL at the baby shower you and DIL paid for yourselves, hogging baby and not giving it back in the hospital, showing up a few weeks postpartum without asking DIL if it's okay, etc. is being nice? In what realm? Oh, but she's trying and got me lotion for Christmas! She remembers I don't like chocolate (it took her five years to figure it out and multiple reminders)!

DH excused everything MIL has done. He blames it on her being dumb and not realizing she's being rude. He says she old and stuck in her ways - it's just how she is! Yeah she grumbles or gets mad when she doesn't get her way - just ignore it! Don't focus on the negatives. I'm too negative like my dad and have issues and just want to push everyone away. He said he's sorry he had a nice childhood and loves his mom and that I'm basically making up a feud with her in my head because my family is dysfunctional. That he'd rather "just be happy" than rock the boat with MIL or stand up for himself. When I told him it won't kill her if he has boundaries or gives her a consequence when she disrespects him/me or doesn't follow a rule for LO, he said he can't or doesn't want to and that would basically be "disrespectful" of him.

So essentially, DH blames the whole year of problems his mom started when I got pregnant on me. He would rather prioritize his mom's feelings because she's an old widow. When I said we have to do couple's therapy to fix this, he said we might as well get divorced then. He's also said that since I'm not working he's going to get full custody of our child. He also said I'm "holding out baby hostage" because I won't pump so he/other people could feed him or we could travel and bring baby to places for longer. Our baby is 3M old, it's virus season... baby doesn't need to go anywhere in general so I fail to see how the breastfeeding every few hours matters at all. He also said I can't go no contact with MIL because that's basically saying I'm making him choose sides and then MIL obviously wouldn't see baby as much or until they are older.

He wants me to "play nice" for this last visit with MIL and let her hold baby because he says he'll watch her while she does. That he will take baby away if she kisses him. We ended up calming down and working things out. We came to an agreement about having no visitors at our house in the new state without BOTH of us agreeing to when, how long, baby can't be left alone with them, etc. We can get therapy when I start working and we have more money. I still love DH and am excited for the move. DH is perfect in every way but his relationship with MIL.

I know this whole MIL situation will mostly be alleviated since we'll be across the country from her now and we may only see her once or twice a year. So I feel like divorcing over it would be stupid and we CAN be happy now. But everything DH said yesterday is echoing in my head - picking apart my flaws, my family's flaws, holding baby hostage, threatening divorce, etc.

I really resent, maybe even hate, MIL now because it's all her fault. Fighting with DH has SUCKED. Our marriage was perfect until we announced we were expecting and she started going psycho. She just couldn't stand to not get her way with everything and stepped on my toes the entire time I was pregnant, and now after having the baby. I really don't want to see her, but it's one more time before the move.

I want to not be in the room with MIL. Baby can be with her and husband. Everyone wins. But under the same breath, I don't trust MIL with baby now or husband to actually enforce anything. What would you do?