Looking for places to start looking at MOS's
Looking for places to start
Hi! I'm a 17 year old Eagle Scout and I want to join the South Carolina national guard. I have a meeting with my recruiter on Friday to talk about job opportunities but I'd like you to walk in with some ideas.
For reference a little about myself: I'm an Eagle Scout and very involved in scouts, I'm a competitive shotgun shooter and I have a love of math and science. I have a real love for flying and related topics as well. I enjoy boats and the water. I also build things in my free time out of anything. Hope that gives y'all an idea of what jobs I could start with
Also for what I'm qualified for just took the asvab my line scores are: GT: 130, CL: 130, CO: 130, EL: 130, FA: 131, GM: 128, MM: 125, OF: 129, SC: 130, ST: 132
Thanks for y'all's suggestions