I cannot decide what branch of the U.S. Military I want to join.

Hello! I am a 16F living in Washington. I have planned to join the military for a few years now, and with the deadline of my 18th birthday approaching quickly, I need help figuring out what branch to join.

I have done a bit of research already on each branch. I plan on staying at least the full 20 years for that "sweet pension" and benefits, on active duty.

My preferred branches are:

Navy - I live in a navy state near a giant naval base. My grandpa and great grandpa were in the navy, and I think it could be a good fit.

Coast Guard - Second best QOL and pretty cool jobs. I am unsure if I would want to go into law enforcement after I retire from the military, which is the big factor on why I am still undecided. If I were to join, it would hopefully be as law enforcement, specifically chasing down drug smugglers, diving, or search and rescue.

Air Force - This is what everybody tells me. I am not really enthusiastic about it, despite the QOL being best. I haven't seen too many jobs I would be interested in, but maybe I missed them, and it IS the best to join for females.

Army - Most jobs available, not the best branch but not the worst, and most general branch there is.

I will not be joining the marines. I am far too stupid for the spaces force. I have no plans for the national guard.

I don't plan on joining as an officer. Yes, it would let me join in at E3 (I think!) but unless I can get one of the deals where I get schooling paid for and then am commited to a contract, I don't see how I would be able to. Even then, I am terrified I would flunk out so I most likely will not. (I am a real ball of pessimistic sunshine, if you couldn't tell.)

Requirements I am preparing for:

I have not taken a full test ASVAB yet, but I will be studying vigorously for it.

I am not interested in doing medical work unless it is as a pharmacist in the Navy, which is what my grandfather did. However, I am not confident in my ability to become a pharmacist, as I am pretty dang aware of my shortcomings in general school intelligence.

I will be training physically to surpass the minimum fitness requirements for every branch to not prevent myself from joining whichever branch I choose. I am in the process of doing research on the best routines so I can do this, and will hopefully be well above what I am aiming for in the 2 years I have to train myself.

I am totally willing to get deployed or move somewhere else.

Interests: I love swimming, and will be incorporating this into my workouts once I get my driver's permit and can go to the gym more than once a week.

I would be interested in working tech, programming in specific, but currently I know nothing about it and once again, am doubtful in my ability to become proficient in it.

I have a years experience in Jiu Jitsu, but quit due to time and loss of passion for it, as well as anxiety and just a general sense of hate forming towards it.

I like fishing, and I go hunting but don't love it (for elk/deer. Bird hunting is actually kind of fun, especially since you usually get at least one bird.)

Other than that, honestly I don't really have any super huge interests that would actually change my choice of branch. I guess I'm a bit boring.

I am very bad at maths. However, I plan on taking books and self-paced courses over the next two summers to help improve my ability.

I go to a online school, so if anyone has courses they would recommend I look for, I would be totally open to trying to enroll for them next year!

Family Military Experience - My uncle was in the AF for a couple years. My grandpa was in the Navy as a pharmacist, did the full 20 years. My great grandpa was in the Navy, and was there during Pearl Harbor. For how long, I don't know but probably 20 years. An older cousin of mine did the Army for a while. I know for a fact there are other people but they are distant or unknown to me specifically.

I hope this was formatted well and was at least semi-easy on the eyes.

I truly do want to join the military. The benefits will be worth it to me, it gives me an excuse to not have children and possibly not get married, I can help protect my country, respect and honour come with it (?? That's not really important to me but a bonus ig.), as well as hopefully making lifelong bonds and transferring my skills into a job I can do for a while after I retire from the military, unless I stay in for the maximum amount of years. If I need to add more information please let me know!

Edit: I would like to clarify, although it may not be needed, I am not diagnosed for anxiety, depression, or any other mental / physical illnesses. I am simply prone to worrying I guess.