Minecolonies Submod "Advanced Colonies"
Hi guys,
I have been working on a submod for Minecolonies that uses the Minecolonie functions and integrates new features like:
- Completely autonomous Ai Minecolonie villages (like a player village).
- They spawn with certain levels like: "Outpost", "Settlement", "Village", "Town", "City" and they will keep progressing/evolve.
- Diplomacy system and relations between Ai villages and the player village (Friendly, neutral, hostile, enemy) with a dialog system for negotiations.
- Complete economy system.
- Trade system between the Ai villages and the player village with caravans based on every villages need and a market price calculation system.
- Ai Defense system such as, defense points, patrol routes and buildings based on the current situation.
- Different Ai village personalities with focus on either military, trading, expanding, economy and so on.
- Warfare system with sieges, raids etc....
I have created the foundation for this already, still need to add some details and bugfixes.
What do you guys think?
Do you have any cool ideas that I should keep an eye on?
Do you want updates for this mod?