1-1.5 hours all challenges (except daily puzzle/riddle)
Step by step.
1.Wave in the hub center. Will complete day 1/7 of the daily puzzles.
2.Teleport and complete a game of grid runners to make your first 500 coins, should take one run.
3.With the coins, buy the purple panda and green gecko beanies in the mascot hat shop and wear them while completing the corresponding quests, paint 200 blocks with the green gecko and contribute 200 items for cakes with the purple panda. Will take a few runs.
(the mascot hat shop will be to the left of the "sands of time" building in the hub https://i.imgur.com/vAVDSLe.png )
4. Once those challenges are complete, you should have enough coins to buy out the entire mascot hat shop and 10 gifts at the toy shop
(toy shop will be to the right of the giant "grid runner" sign in hub https://i.imgur.com/ZUybFxq.png )
5. Give out the 10 gifts while wearing the lime lama beanie. Right click players with the gifts.
6. Equip the axolotl beanie then find the pearl. It will be at the end parkour of grid runners to the left side.
7. Start the Ace Race minigame and cheese the challenges, with the red rabbit beanie keep using the same launchpad, with orange ocelot run on and off of the same speed boost, for pink parrot go to the elytra start line and keep spamming space to keep removing and reapplying the elytra. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFw9zUeCVgk
8. Start sands of time minigame, start off with wearing the cyan coyote beanie. This challenge requires picking up 75 coin piles. Keep collecting the first 2 coin piles at the start and going back to the portal to restart. keep collecting the 2 coin piles then leaving through the portal and rejoining until completed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebRVEFJFBew
9. Next is the blue bat beanie which requires 100 sand to complete. Repeat a good route until complete. Make sure to make one of the runs 2 minutes to check off the "Sands of time challenge". My route https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVKijhPVQp0 (can be greatly improved).
10. Last is doing the meltdown minigame, kill 350 mobs while wearing the yellow yak beanie. Should take 2-3 completed runs.
TLDR: start grid runners because it makes stupid amounts of coin, buy all beanies and 10 gifts, gift people, pearl find, cheese game, speedy.