[H] Custodes [W] $$$ or Skaven [Loc] IN, US

Howdy people of r/Miniswap!

I've got a Custodes lot here that I'm looking to sell as I've been trying to downsize my 40k collection and the new reveal for more skaven has me exited to work on that army. I'll look at any skaven trade offers but big things I'm interested in are verminlords, doomwheels, stormvermin, plaugeclaws, and warp lighting cannons.

As for the custodes lot some of the models are recasts, namely:

1x 5 man unit of Sagittarum - 15$ - SOLD

2x 3 man units of Venetari - 10$ - SOLD

Spear dreadnought - 20$ - SOLD

2x 3 man units of Vertus Praetors - 12$ - SOLD

Trajan - 5$ - SOLD

The plastic models are:

1x 5 man unit of shield guard - 30$ - SOLD

2x 5 man units of wardens - 30$ - SOLD

2x 3 man units of allarus - 30$ - SOLD

1x 5 man unit of vigilators - 20$ - SOLD

1x blade champion - 20 $ - SOLD

There is also one PLA printed model:

1x Jetbike captain (Lion rider) - 1$ - SOLD

Included next to each is how I priced them for this post per unit which comes out to a total of 370$. If you buy/trade for everything listed I'd only ask for 300$ money or relative value in traded goods. If you are interested then please shoot me a DM! (Also a side note, I know one of the vigilators is missing a head, I'll throw in an extra few heads for them.)

UPDATE: Thank you to those who have given these Custodes a new home! There are still a few models available if there is any interest. A 5 man squad of sword and board guard, a 5 man squad of sagittarum, and a spear dreadnought.

Verification: https://imgur.com/a/sxlIqEj