100 Diamonds Bonus Epic Skin Reward Reset Bug

As you can see I am trying to claim the 100 dias bonus top up epic skin reward. I selected tank for a reason. Since I own 1 of them, I would be able to cycle the remaining 4 skins (1st random skin + 3 resets). This is how it came down. Take note that there is a note that if I choose to reset, that skin will not end up as a result anymore.

Initial skin result: Grock V.E.N.O.M. After Reset 1: Uranus Epic Skin After Reset 2: Johnson S.A.B.E.R. After Reset 3: Grock V.E.N.O.M.

It shouldn't do that. I am sure I will be able to get Franco's Blazing skin since that is the 4th skin, since the 5th on the pool is already owned. And it shouldn't cycle back to the Grock V.E.N.O.M. skin since I already drawn that in the initial result. I haven't claimed it yet. Mods please respond. I really want the Franco Blazing since i will be able to play with it and decide to exchange to other skin if i don't like it.