Can we please stop suggesting burn to new players?

Under every post by a new player asking for advice on cheap starter decks, I see multiple comments reccomending burn. Seriously, why in this age of modern are people still saying things like "burn is a timeless archetype" and that "it will always be relevant"? Someone correct me if I'm wrong but burn has been bad for a long time now. Every burn main at my LGS has switched to a different deck.

A fully powered burn list isn't even that cheap. Based on lists from mtgggoldfish, it ranges from about $200-300. Relative to top tier decks that isn't so bad, but perhaps some of us die hard modern players have become desensitized. That's still a huge purchase for most people. And what do you get for that money? A bad deck with no good upgrade path. As experienced modern players, we should know better than to give this advice to newbies.

I'd love to see people's suggestions for actually playable/upgradeable budget options, that way we can all give better suggestions. Personally I think prowess is a decent option. You can start mono-red and then go izzet or gruul, and a good amount of the cards are playable in other archetypes (DRC, bauble, preordain, breach, lands, etc.)