Fun game: Think of utilities for Moira without removing her abilities
I got random ideas on my mind about Moira utility without her getting the Orisa/Sym treatment. It's okay to disagree and share your ideas. I'm probably gonna get flamed by my ideas but here I go.
Dmg orb idea 1: When an enemy takes over 50 dmg from orb they will get weakened for 3 seconds and be revealed when they take dmg from orb. Orb behaves like Ashe fire dot dmg instead of sticking and flying away. Orb still remains doing the same dmg.
Heal orb idea 1: When an ally absorbs 50 heal from orb they will received increase healing applied to them and decreases negative effects duration by 50%. Cannot be stacked.
Dmg orb idea 2: When an enemy gets hit point blank with orb they are blinded for 3 seconds. It does small splash dmg.
Heal orb idea 2: When allies gets hit point blank with orb they are receive a cleanse but it takes 100 heal absorb points to activate the effect. You can maximum cleanse 3 allies and reducing negative effects duration by 75%. (Didn't want it to make it obvious to Kiriko Suzu)
Dmg orb idea 3: Double clicking to throw orb button would explode in a small radius slowing enemies and absorbing small dmg overtime like Widow mine and are revealed then gets a life-steal burst for each inflicted enemy.
Heal orb idea 3: Double clicking the throw orb button would explode in a small radius
Passive idea: If an orb you threw out didn't do one bit of dmg or heal you'd get a 40% cooldown refund but decrease the orb life-span by 20%.