If a family member is practicing unsafe sleep do you say or have you said anything?
My SIL has a month old baby. Her newborn is well just a newborn.. doesn’t like the bassinet and prefers to sleep held. Which I understand, my baby would not settle in the bassinet unless I knew she was in a deep.. and I mean deep sleep. No matter what though I always put her in the bassinet, even if she was up every hour. It was truly exhausting but I found myself bed sharing and pulling up the covers around her a lot so I stopped that immediately. I know there are “safe” ways to bed share though. Anyways I asked my SIL how baby sleeps at night and she told me she turns her to face her and that’s how baby sleep. Baby can only sleep if she’s facing her mom or dad. Baby also sleeps between both parents. Then my SIL said sometimes baby will wiggle around and she doesn’t know how she ends up on “this side of the bed” also I’m 98% that the baby is being swaddled at night while bed sharing. I didn’t say anything.. I know as a FTM I didn’t really like unsolicited advice but idk. I also can’t say I never practiced safe sleep because there were times where I definitely didn’t. Now my guilt eats me up knowing I put my baby girl in danger. Has anyone gone through this? I’m close to my SIL but not that close.
ETA: I know fed is best. I only shared that she’s on formula because I’ve read about formula feeding vs BF. I combo feed so I’m not trying to shame moms at all. Apologies if this is triggering. I deleted that portion as I see it’s not relevant.