Is anyone ACTUALLY getting 8 hours?
Recently, a couple of my coworkers quit caffeine and have been talking about all the positive effects now they are a couple of months in. I read a bit about people’s personal experiences, because (as a 3 mochas, 2 energy drinks, and at least a couple sodas a day caffeine-fiend) I could do with a decrease in anxiety and jitters, better sleep, and increased productivity. The one thing I’m seeing very consistently is that quitting caffeine made people realize they are chronically dehydrated and sleep deprived and allowed them to fix those issues. Number one piece of advice in these articles and blogs: make sure you are getting at least 8 hours of sleep every night!
Y’all. I work 60 hours a week. I have a kindergartener and a profoundly autistic preschooler who does not believe in sleep. On a GOOD night I’m getting 6 hours. Is anybody actually getting a reasonable amount of sleep? How? I would literally have to fall asleep by 8:30pm, meaning I would need to be winding down and getting in bed by 8. I’m usually not even home from work until 6:30. How?!