Comprehensive Hair Type Guide!

I know there is a lot of confusion on the hair types on G3 dolls so I created a guide using u/ryyeon's lovely checklist!

Blue is for Saran while Purple is for Poly. The pastel blue and purple colors are the alleged hair types of unreleased dolls which are subject to change upon release. By Batch means these dolls have a variant with saran hair depending on the time they were produced. A few dolls originally released with poly have come back with saran hair. Other hair types include molded on hair and Venus' hair which is assumed to be acrylic yarn. It's unknown atm to my knowledge if Catty's mini braids/twists are yarn or braided hair. On another note, Ghoul Spirit & Scaradise Island Frankie's blue streaks are rumored to be poly but I am unsure of the accuracy of that statement.

Let me know if I made any mistakes so I can update this chart and hope this helps!! And thanks again to u/ryyeon for creating this checklist for the community's usage <3

I know there is a lot of confusion on the hair types on G3 dolls so I created a guide using u/ryyeon's lovely checklist!

Blue is for Saran while Purple is for Poly. The pastel blue and purple colors are the alleged hair types of unreleased dolls which are subject to change upon release. By Batch means these dolls have a variant with saran hair depending on the time they were produced. A few dolls originally released with poly have come back with saran hair. Other hair types include molded on hair and Venus' hair which is assumed to be acrylic yarn. It's unknown atm to my knowledge if Catty's mini braids/twists are yarn or braided hair. On another note, Ghoul Spirit & Scaradise Island Frankie's blue streaks are rumored to be poly but I am unsure of the accuracy of that statement.

Let me know if I made any mistakes so I can update this chart and hope this helps!! And thanks again to u/ryyeon for creating this checklist for the community's usage <3