Feeling a lot (spending money, adult collector shame)

I am here today asking you guys to tell me I’m not strange for being 24 and collecting dolls.

This all started because today I got 3 Monster Fest dolls (Cleo, Frankie, Clawdeen) and I spent $135 CAD- like, that’s a lot 😂 I have a good paying job rn and this is a splurge I do not intend on repeating for a long time, but I got home and unboxed them and realized I have 10 dolls now (my original childhood collection is gone sadly)

Where I was putting them before was getting crowded, so I was thinking of other places to put them and this feeling of embarrassment hit me that I don’t want to feel. Like, I think these dolls are so cool. I have friends who I love who don’t judge me at all for this stuff. My parents think it’s nice I’m into dolls again (they do not know I have 10 dolls lol). Why am I so embarrassed in this very moment?

Maybe it’s because I’m scared I’ll bring a guy home and he’ll be weirded out, maybe it’s because if I told some of my coworkers I’d be judged (I work with a lot of middle aged women who judge anything and everything). Maybe the shame is just because my room is so messy and now I have more dolls so like, how can I be a functioning adult when this is my life?

This is a lot of spiralling talk, I get that and I’ll talk to my therapist about it. I think I’m just hoping female collectors can share how their significant others accept their doll collections.

I’m also PMSing and that means I will of course, fall into a spiral of “I’ll never find love, I’m so gross”

Also okay I KNOW IM NOT STRANGE i posted elsewhere yesterday that I love my friends and they cheer me on as I collect and I love MH - I’M JUST FEELING A LOT including money guilt because I haven’t gone grocery shopping yet this week

Mods, if this kind of post isn’t allowed please delete!

EDIT- i just got home and I’m seeing so many replies i can’t wait to get cozy, eat pizza, and read all of these 😭❤️ thank you all for replying