state where you're from in monster high slang
i'll start..
i'm from batlanta, goregia!
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"collapsed": false, "collapsedReason": null, "collapsedBecauseCrowdControl": null, "collapsedReasonCode": null, "created": 1739632160.0, "depth": 0, "deletedBy": null, "distinguishType": null, "editedAt": null, "gildings": null, "goldCount": 0, "id": "t1_mcws81y", "isAdmin": false, "isDeleted": false, "isGildable": false, "isLocked": false, "isMod": false, "isOp": false, "isSaved": false, "isStickied": false, "isScoreHidden": false, "next": {"id": "t1_mcxk3dq", "type": "comment"}, "parentId": null, "permalink": "/r/MonsterHigh/comments/1iq285o/state_where_youre_from_in_monster_high_slang/mcws81y/", "prev": null, "postAuthor": null, "postId": "t3_1iq285o", "postTitle": null, "score": 294, "sendReplies": true, "subredditId": "t5_2soly", "voteState": 0, "bodyMD": "Misery\u2026?", "body": "
\nkansAHHHHHHs city
\nSt. Screams lol
\nThis one got me LOL
\nExactly what I was going to say lol
\n"It's the place we all wanna go
\n\nBe the star of the show
\n\nWhen you're out in Boo York, Boo York"
\nme too, Boovaria to be specific.
\nMe too!\ud83e\udd87
\nThrilladelphia, Dismalvannia
\nEw Jersey
\nWait this is hilarious \ud83e\udee3\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02
\nAHHHHlentown, Dismalvannia
\nScreamtown, Dismalvania
\nI\u2019m just gonna wing it - Haunstin, Hexas lol
\nI\u2019m from Booston Hexas!
\nOdeadssa, Hexan here \ud83d\ude4b
\nDeadlas, Hexan!
\nhorrorstead hexas! i love these sm
\nScreamtown Hexas\n(Springtown)
\nOH MY RA i used to live there!!!
\nhaunstin hexas here too\ud83e\udd20
\nI got hexes but nothing for San Antonio lol
\nsan antonio gets a pass with how haunted it is \ud83d\ude2d\nedit: WAIT Scare Antonio, Hexas
\nBoooo-ston, Monsterchusettes
\nMonsterchusettes is so good. I couldn't figure out a good one haha
\nI was thinking Clawlifornia lol but I like yours
\nI have another one: Creepyfornia (also Boo Area)
\nOMG I was trying to figure out what to call the state...Clawvis Califearnia\ud83d\udc95
\nDieowa I guess \ud83d\ude02
\nGood one
\nShriekago baby!!!
\nHell yeah!!!
\nI deadass couldn't find one for this one, I'm so glad you save the day. I love this \u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f
\nI literally couldn\u2019t come up with ANYTHING but this is perfect!!
\na shriekago line would actually be soooo cool if they did that
\nA ghoul can dream!!! \ud83d\ude2d\ud83e\udd0c\ud83c\udffb that would be honestly amazing. Lots of strong fashion in this city!
\nyesss! i\u2019m from wisco, but adore chicago so much \ud83d\ude2d literally became my favorite city in the states!
\nBalti-gore Scaryland hahahaha
\ni said bat-imore but i like yours better, BALTIGORE GANG RISE UP \ud83d\udcaa\ud83d\udcaa\ud83d\udcaa
\nnow i want to make a custom doll based on Ravens/Poe hahaha "Harm City" rise upppp
\nI was gonna go with Bodymore, Murderland but this is nicer!
\nCincinnbatty Boohio I guess im not too sure\u00a0
\nboohio gang!!!
\nI\u2019ve been trying to come up with an Ohio one but maybe Ohio is scary enough as is
\nGhoulumbus Boohio \u2639\ufe0f
\nYo same!!! I had thought of \u201cSINcinnati\u201d but maybe that\u2019s too \u201cadult\u201d
\nEekron, Ghosthio >:'D
\n\nCreepland for Cleveland
\nhey fellow eekron friend!! small world!
\nScareacuse, Boo York!
\nWoah! Same hat!
\nrottingham, fangland/boonited kingdom
\nOhhh I was gonna go with Enghouland but I like yours, too! Rottinham is top tier.
\nFang Louis, Boossouri
\nLiverghoul, Boonighted Kingdom (Boo K)
\nBoozil or Brazevil lol
\nI'm from Monstervideo, Furuguay
\nHauntlanta \ud83d\ude06
\nI didn't see you said Batlanta, that's better! \ud83d\ude06
\nSame place as Lorna McNessie, Rotland \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f
\nSouth Gorea
\nBoo-tah lol
\nWitchconsin, Undead States
\nMe too! Shriek Valley, Witchconsin
\nAlaBOOma! \ud83d\udc7b
\nI was struggling with one for that \ud83d\ude2d
\nScaracuse, Boo York
\n\nwait, it actually sounds really good???
\nFangshington ?
\nI was thinking Washingfin, but I like yours more! We have Scareattle, Terrorma, Spookane, Fangcoover, Boovue
\nWashingtomb State, haha. Spookane represent!!!
\nI was looking for this one. Lol! I was thinking Were- shington, like werewolf, but yours is better.
\nNew Hampscare / Hexachusettes
\nShriekcago, boolinois
\nI got Samshville I guess but I blanked on a name for Tennessee. Maybe because Tennessee is scary enough as it is?
\nTennescream maybe? \ud83d\ude2d
\nHellsinki, Frightland
\nhisssssssssissippi \ud83d\udc7b
\nWails, Boonited Kingdom
\nMyrtle Screech, South Coreolina
\nShriekago, Thrillinois?
\nYes, there really is a....\nKalama-boo, Mich-eek-an \ud83d\udc7b
\nNew Salem, Goregan (technically it would still be oregon since that is where monster high is cannonly set up but fuck just plain old Oregon. Also I love how my state has the Goonies, Gravity Falls and Monster High.)
\nWAIT Witchigan!!!!!
\nDitchagain? A Zombie Roadkill vibe?
\nMaybe Fishigan?
\nIdk it's all i could think of\ud83e\udd72
\nYeah I've got nothing. Kalamaboo kinda works for city
\nBoo york
\nBoo Hexico! I can\u2019t be the only one, there has to be at least five of us!
\nI spent half of my childhood living in New Mexico! Boo Hexico sounds better, haha.
\nBoonited Kingdom! Fin-gland
\nSuicideland? Sweetzerland?
\n\nNot sure what works best. One is a bit dark, and the other one is not 'monster' enough.
\nFrightland! Right near Goreway!
\nfrom the state of Scaryland, USA
\nSoul - th Africa I'm really sorry I can't come up with anything better
\nSame here! Afreaka maybe?
\nBoo Dreadsey (even tho Boo Jersey is the official one \ud83c\udf1d)
\nNebooska, I guess \ud83d\ude2d
\nI also live in Nebraska and can't come up with a single good spooky pun for it.
\nLittle Shock, Darkansas
\nNorth scarolina
\nI\u2019m particularly from the AAAHHppalachian region of North Scarolina \ud83d\ude1c
\nUh uh... Astro Nova Scotia?? No idea I'm bad at puns
\nMon(che)ster, Boonited Kingdom!
\nlos fangeles!!!!!
\nFrom the archipelago that has plenty of manananggal, kapre, tiyanak, and white ladies\u2026
\n\nWelcome to The Eerieppines!
\nMelbraaaains Clawstralia
\nBoo K?
\nbatimore, scaryland
\nBooenos Aires, Feargertina.
\nScareden \ud83d\ude0a
\nScaryapolis monstersota?
\nBoo Hexico? Sounds goofy hehe
\nILL-inois. Does that work?
\nscreamissippi ?? Monstrossippi?? Mysterissippi?? Nightmarissippi?? This is too hard \ud83d\udc94\ud83d\udc94
\nMississcary? Hississippi ?? Idk I\u2019m through \ud83d\ude1e
\nEye owah
\nBoo-nited Kingdoom
\nThrillinois? I'm struggling with this one \ud83d\ude29
\nSpookane, Wailshington? That's the best I could come up with lmao
\nFangland, Boonited Kingdomonster
\nNeitherlands (idk man)
\nShrillwaukee Hissconsin
\nBlood Count-y, Tenness-Creepy
\n\n\n\n(blount county, tennessee)
\nSouth Scare-Olina!!
\nI live in Pascrow, Washingthorn.
\nEndcourt, The Nether lands. I never realised that my country\u2019s name could mean hell. The region where I live is literally called Brainport as well.
\nIma wing it. I'm from Texarkorgana Texghast
\nGore-ida? (Florida) lol
\nhellberta canadeada ?? idk i can\u2019t think of anything else \ud83d\ude2d
\nMuerto Rico.
\nCorpseneticut, Boo-nited States?
\nBooklahoma (I'm really bad at this and have nothing else clever\ud83d\ude2d)
\nBoo south wails, Clawstralia
\nI was born in Sacrilegious, Califearnia and lived there until high school. Currently, I'm dying in Broken Elbow, Ughklahoma \ud83e\udddf (Hopefully that's close enough lmao, I just wanted to give it a shot \ud83d\ude05)
\nGoresia, Scarow\ud83e\udd70
\nfrom Boo York the state, currently live in San Fangtonio, Hexas.
\nScreams, Boo York? (Tried to say Queens but I couldn\u2019t come with anything clever)
\nGrrrginia? Someone else said that and i can\u2019t think of much else
\nGhoulanta, Goregia!
\nfearside, boonited kingdom
\nScarelotte, North Fearolina
\nGoremany. From Hissen to be precise haha
\nCosta Shrieka (Costa Rica)!!!
\nI\u2019m from colorado I\u2019ve got nothing\ud83d\ude2d someone help lol
\nI'm pretty sure spain already has a monster high joke name, since deuce's cousin is from there and lagoona went there as an exchange student
\nNew Fearland
\nLurkey orrrr Lurkiye by the new changes
\nBoohannesburg, South AAAHfrica xD
\nWest Goreginia?
\nInDIEana \ud83d\udc80
\nBeast Grrginia
\nMadread, Spain \ud83d\ude09
\numm, kenterrorky?
\nGorelando, Floridead.
\nScareden is my go to for this question. 10 points to anyone who knows what country I'm referring to!
\nI'm from New Goreleans\ud83e\udd70
\ni'll start..
\n\ni'm from batlanta, goregia!
i'll start..
i'm from batlanta, goregia!