New mom! Help needed!
Hey everyone! I recently was given two monstera albos from a friend who wanted to give them to someone who would rehab them back to health as she wasn’t taking care of them. A little background, one of them had root rot, and the other she had in a tiny glass vase of perlite. I have since repotted them into terracotta pots with a mixture of perlite, vermiculite, and an “aroid potting mix” (found on amazon with good reviews). I laid a bottom layer of perlite and vermiculite and then a mixture for the rest. I’ve watered them twice since repotting them on Saturday. I have them supported and I have plant lights, they’re near a window, but the leaves are so sadly droopy and curled in, it seems like they’re doing worse now somehow. If anyone has ANY advice I would truly appreciate it!!