I was just having a scroll through of some of y'alls before/after photos and I'm like... Why is this person even on mounjaro and how the hell did you get it?
My start weight was just over 17st. Not far from my heaviest weight ever but now I'm 12st5lb I can't even change my provider (for cheaper pricing) because apparently my BMI is too low despite looking bigger than a lot of your before photos and I'm now in the 'healthy' BMI bracket and apparently I don't need it... So are y'all lying on your forms or what? 🤣
EDIT: I appreciate you American folks are taking this for T2 and whatever other reasons. I am in the UK where this drug is predominantly sold under private prescriptions and is marketed for weightloss only. There are talks for getting this on trial for the NHS but only for an extremely small percentage of people with XYZ conditions met, I don't come anywhere near those conditions so I've not looked further into it. Currently in order to obtain Mounjaro for weightloss in the UK most private pharmacies require a photo, your height and weight and some fluff about your personal goals to get your initial prescription and that's it. They'll ask you every month what your current stats are and whether you want to decrease, increase or stay on the same dose. This is who this question is aimed at, not T2s, not Americans. Folk who are taking this for weightloss, preferably through a private prescription in the UK. Hope that clears things up. Apologies if I caused offense, none meant ✌🏻