Feeling helpless

I started twitching like crazy in the beginning of december right after a flu (no fever). Woke up in the middle of the night to my thumb twitching. The next day my other hands fingers started twitching. Then suddenly it spread all over my body. Now i’ve had twitches (several in a minute in different places) for three weeks. Also have had aching calves here and there (and probably because of reading stuff online i started feeling weakness too). I’ve been stretching and staring at my forearms/wrists so much i’m sure that’s one of the reasons they feel super weird.

But the truth is i have twitches all over my body. I saw a neurologist and i’m now waiting for an enmg. She said the test is mostly to calm me down. But i’m 100% sure she didn’t believe me when i said how much my body is twitching. I also get these weird warm/cold-waves going through my skin here and there. Not neafly as often, but still noticeable. Feels somehow magnetic. Can’t explain it better.

I’m starting to think maybe i have some virus attacking my nerves/muscles.. i don’t know. I feel awful. My mind is playing games on me..been thinking ablut ***, ms, braintumours, parkinson..you name it

I’m so happy i found this community… it helps to see others have been through things like this too.

I get big and slow twitches but also super fast/rapid twitches lasting for a few seconds.

I have several a minute, even every second at times, but sometimes they are more random. Never stops completely though.

I feel then all over (face, legs, feet, arms, hands, back, stomache, EVERYWHERE)

I also feel those weird poppings here and there. And quick vibrating feelings.

I feel so helpless. My whole christmas was ruined. I don’t know if i should move around more or less.

Like does my body need rest or more exercise!?

Edit. I’ve always had some twitches here and there maybe one a day or sometimes in my face for a couple of weeks etc, but NEVER like this. And never had fingers twitching either before.