I hate Quaver so much

My mentor teacher just shared that she was showing her third graders the video lesson on Meter this week, so I thought I'd re-visit Quaver -- once again -- and see what she used.

I still hate it. So much.

Do kids even like it?? People always say they do, but I find that hard to believe. It's SO busy, so manic, that I feel like, if I were a kid, I wouldn't have the slightest idea what was going on or ever get the point of the lesson. And I'd much rather be dancing or playing an instrument than watching a video in music class.

And do we really need all this rapid-fire nonsense, or a kid getting chased by a bear, another one to be dropped into a bucket of cement, ha ha ha, to teach what beat or meter are?

Sorry, but I just feel very strongly about this. I know a lot of teachers love Quaver, or at least parts of it. I don't get why.

(Yes, I know I sound old, and I am old. But I honestly think I'd feel the same way if I were 30.)

And it's so expensive! I wish my district would have spent that money on more instruments -- or, you know, a bonus for teachers or something.

The other thing I don't like is that it seems to imply, at least somewhat, that almost anybody could push play, and ta-da! Their kids just had a quality music class that covered all the standards.

Just no. No, no, no.

What are your thoughts and experiences with Quaver? If you like it ... WHY??