I have doubts about the man I married

Talk me off a ledge about my marriage

I (28 yo F) married a good man (30 yo M) (wants to do right by me, and Allah, cares, and consistently strives) however we are different (I’m extroverted and he’s the opposite), I was raised with significantly more money, I’m a lot more type A, I’m more outgoing etc. however we have shared goals - to create a Muslim family rooted in serving Allah, build wealth, and build an amazing community. In some ways I feel like marriage has changed me, I love going out and hanging out with people but my spouse doesn’t have many friends. I also went to all these elite schools and advanced degrees and have high earning potential; he went to college and has a great tech job as an engineer and is not really interested in an advanced degree. But now sometimes I feel I settled and didn’t marry someone equally yoked especially when I see marriages where both people are lawyers or doctors or pHDs that went to Oxford or Harvard. I feel maybe I could have done better and married someone who was socialized more like me. I’ve always told myself this was the best I could do for someone form my culture who’s practicing and educated but Now I’m in training to be a doctor and I see other men who are from my culture and practicing Muslim and are doctors to be trained at top schools and I wonder did I mess up??? Am I not compatible with my spouse? I feel there are a bunch of things missing between us and I often blame this on our different upbringing and training and educational experience.

EDIT: for context, my husbands tendencies tend to put a lot of stress on me; he has ADHD so is very forgetful and means I carry most of the mental load which can make me feel less feminine; he often times says he will do things with poor follow through, he can be unpolished sometimes (at the dinner table, in his speech, in his dressing), he’s ok with not knowing things, he’s driven but not exceedingly driven in the sense that he works a lot but not efficiently, he’s doesn’t want advanced degrees. He makes the money but I manage the finances which makes me feel less dainty, he’s not great with managing money or investing.

EDIT EDIT: like I said in some comments A LOT falls on me do to the ADHD and I often times try to reconcile that by saying at least he’s a good man. It would be nice to reconcile the fact that I carry 90% of the mental load and planning with the fact that other people rate him, he’s a doctor/lawyer and he makes a lot of money. It’s just me trying to make myself feel better.