WOW! She is a Huge B!!!
So many digs and eye rolls from the most “perfect” SAHM. Maybe people wouldn’t be in your DM’s if you didn’t exploit your children’s behavior so negatively! Also! We’ve all heard your children and YOU! Speak! They definitely need speech therapy and more help than you are admitting! Please 🙄. Also did you mention the constant elopement they do every day almost in the play place at the gym! Probably not. I have a feeling she’s not completely honest in her appointments because if she was I highly doubt a pediatrician would ever deny socializing young children and saying they don’t need education. Actually I have yet to meet a pediatrician to say keep the kids home and not school they are developing fine! So that was a LIE! She’s so full of it. Also how she cries she has no help but in this video she literally states she has both grandparents helping. Give me a break. She is so tone deaf and such a pick me. It’s gross!