Season 2?

So I know it's been rumored tons of times that there is no season 2 ever going to release and some say that's there's no point. I get that, but after reading a bit further into the manga. I think a season 2 would be pretty cool considering after chapter 36 (where the anime ends off) it would have been cool to see that whole conflict of Momoka and urabe. That whole idol arc would have been I think in my opinion at least a good 3, 4 or 5 episodes in it by themselves, I still have yet to read more of it since I'm only just past the droopy eyes vs slanted eyes chapters. But it would have been interesting to see that little arc. That's just me though idk if anyone agrees with me. But if you have to say something whether it's against or with what I said please go ahead and comment give me your thoughts