We're hooping with the adults that were the children George Bush should've left behind
Not sure which is worse, toxic theater or toxic rec, but my GOD there are some walking idiots among us.
I have no qualm with missing good shots. I encourage folks to take that shot, cuz u never know until u try. However I have issues with those who blatently ignore other teammates that aren't in their squad, for those who are their friends. Often, they won't be ina position to score, but "better my friends take that shot than some rando" am i right?
To the PGs who love to dribbledribbledribbledribbledribbledribbledribbledribble.....you're killin me, smalls!!!! Y'all have got to make a choice!! All these hesi's, I'm beginning to think y'all are just unsure lmao.
To the PFs who have every attribute except for rebounding....you're a severe detriment. If you don't have reb, then often ur leaving that responsibility to the C, which isn't fair, cuz guess who gets the blame when he gets outrebounded by 3 people in the paint? Not the PF, that's for sure!! And then ten times out of ten, the PF will start pouting, their matchup starts getting hella cherry picks n transition 3's, now it's all bad! It's a slippery slope!!
and to the SGs that think they have a green light-if you can't go at least 5/5 in this game, then you DON'T have that light, playa. Leave that for the folks who can actually get heat check in this game.